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What Should You Do After a Car Accident That’s Not Your Fault | Felice Trial Attorneys

Define ‘Fault’ in Car Accidents:

In the context of car accidents, ‘fault’ determines who is legally responsible for causing the accident. This concept is central to insurance claims and legal accountability. Whether an accident involves a rear-end collision, a side swipe, or a multi-vehicle pile-up, identifying the fault party helps define how damages are covered. Establishing fault involves considering traffic laws, vehicle damage, and driver behavior to outline responsibility accurately.

Role of Fault in Car Accidents:

Understanding fault is key to the insurance and legal processes following a car accident. It not only influences the direction of insurance claims but also impacts the handling of accident lawsuits and settlement offers. For accident victims, clearly establishing fault is essential to secure fair compensation for damages, medical costs, and emotional distress.

Immediate Actions Post-Accident

Initial Steps Right After the Accident:

If you find yourself in a car accident, taking immediate and clear steps can significantly impact the outcome of your accident claim. Here are the critical steps to follow:

  • Immediately assess if you or any passengers have sustained injuries. If you notice any visible injuries or complaints of pain, immediately call for medical attention.
  • Move to a secure location if you can. This might mean pulling over to the side of the road to avoid blocking traffic and to protect the accident scene.
  • Use your vehicle’s hazard lights to signal to other drivers that there has been an accident, enhancing safety at the scene.

Calling the Police:

It is crucial to involve law enforcement by calling the police to the accident scene. A police officer will document the accident and create an official accident report, which is a critical piece of evidence for your insurance claim and any legal actions. The police report will include essential details such as road conditions, weather conditions, and a preliminary assessment of fault.

Gathering Information:

Compiling detailed information at the accident scene is indispensable. Ensure you collect:

  • Record names, contact details, and insurance information of all drivers involved, along with the vehicle identification and license plate numbers.
  • Obtain contact information for witnesses as they can provide third-party accounts of the incident which may support your version of events.
  • Take multiple photos from different angles of the accident scene, all vehicles involved, any visible damages, and relevant road signs or markings. These photos can provide clear evidence of the severity and circumstances of the accident.
  • If the police are at the scene, secure a copy of their report if possible. It is crucial for establishing fault and supports your insurance claim or legal actions.

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Post-Accident Considerations

Contacting Your Insurance Company:

After securing your safety and gathering the necessary information, contact your insurance provider to report the accident. The insurance agent will guide you through the insurance claim process. Be honest and precise when providing details about the incident to avoid any issues with your claim.

Seeking Medical Attention:

Obtaining a thorough medical evaluation after an accident is crucial, even if no injuries are immediately apparent. Some injuries, like whiplash or internal trauma, can take hours or days to show up. Medical professionals can assess and document your injuries, which is vital for medical treatment claims and personal injury claims.

Legal Consultation:

Seeking legal advice from experienced car accident attorneys like Felice Trial Attorneys can significantly enhance your ability to navigate the aftermath of an accident. Legal experts specialize in deciphering the complexities of insurance policies and can assist in dealing with insurance agents and the fault driver’s insurance company.

An accident lawyer will ensure that your rights are protected throughout the claim for damages process, striving for a fair settlement that covers your medical expenses, vehicle repairs, and compensation for any non-economic damages like emotional distress.

Navigating Insurance and Legal Issues

Dealing with Insurance Companies:

When dealing with insurance companies after an accident, it is crucial to manage interactions carefully to protect your interests:

  • Keep your communication with insurance companies clear and focused, avoiding any signs of frustration or anger.
  • Never admit guilt or imply fault in any conversation. Stick to the facts of the incident.
  • Let your personal injury attorney handle direct communications with the other party’s insurance to protect your statements from being used against you.
  • Document all interactions with insurance companies, including dates, times, and the names of representatives you speak with.
  • Review any information or statements before submitting them to ensure accuracy and completeness.

Legal Actions and Rights:

If you find the settlement offers inadequate or if the fault party’s insurance denies liability, knowing your legal options is essential:

  • If negotiations do not lead to a fair settlement, consider filing a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault driver’s insurance.
  • Learn how to file third-party insurance claims to effectively pursue compensation through legal avenues.
  • Use police reports as key evidence in your legal case, as they provide crucial details that can establish fault.
  • Gather and organize all evidence related to the accident, including photos, witness statements, and official documents.
  • Consult with a qualified personal injury lawyer to understand your rights and the best legal strategies for your situation.

Why Trust Felice Trial Attorneys?

At Felice Trial Attorneys, we are proud of our success in representing accident victims. Our team is deeply aware of the trauma and uncertainty that follow a car accident and is dedicated to navigating you through the legal process with compassion and expertise. We work tirelessly to ensure that each step is handled with care, aiming to make your experience as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Our approach is personalized for each client. We thoroughly analyze every aspect of your case, including detailed reviews of the accident report, medical records, and witness statements. Our thorough preparation enables us to advocate for you effectively and persuasively. This ensures that your legal representation is both strong and targeted to your specific needs.


In accidents where you are not at fault, the responsible party’s insurance should cover damages. This includes property damage, medical costs, and potentially additional compensation for emotional damages and loss of quality of life.

It is generally advised to let your lawyer communicate with the other driver’s insurance company. This helps prevent any misstatements that could affect your compensation.

Yes, a police report is vital as it provides an unbiased third-party perspective of the accident. It’s a crucial piece of evidence for your insurance claim and any legal actions.

Your insurance company or lawyer can help you file a third-party claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance. Depending on your policy, your insurer may cover the initial costs through uninsured motorist coverage or personal injury protection, then seek reimbursement from the at-fault driver’s insurance.

A lawyer can offer comprehensive support by:

  • Negotiating with insurance companies to ensure fair claim settlements.
  • Collecting and organizing evidence to strengthen your case.
  • Representing you in legal proceedings, should the need arise, to secure compensation that reflects the full extent of your losses.