Workers’ Compensation in Florida
If you suffer an injury while on the job, you may have the right to claim a specific amount of compensation for your medical costs and loss of income resulting from the injury. In a nutshell, this is what workers’ compensation law is all about.
In the state of Florida, the laws that regulate this compensation were determined by the Florida’s Workers’ Compensation Act. It ensures that insurance companies cover the full medical costs and part of the lost wages an injured employee incurs after a workplace accident.
The No Fault Workers’ Compensation System in Florida
In the state of Florida, workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. What this means is that it doesn’t matter what or who caused the accident and injuries, you will be able to file a claim. The most important detail is if the situation occurred while you were working. If you suffered the injury while you were doing anything that fell under the umbrella of your employment, you may have the right to claim workers’ compensation benefits.
The Most Common Myths Related to Florida Workers’ Compensation Benefits
As an employee, it is important for you to know the basic facts about the Florida’s workers’ compensation law. There are many myths about workers’ comp going around, so it is a good idea to educate yourself and know what to do if you face this situation.
Some of the most common myths related to workers’ compensation in Florida, and the truth, can be found here.
Myth: Your Employer Handles All the Paperwork
While it is required that your employer file the initial report of an injury to the state, they are not required by law to handle all of the paperwork to ensure you receive your workers’ compensation benefits. You, or your attorney, need to handle the legwork needed to claim your workers’ compensation payments.
Myth: You are Entitled to Receive Benefits for Pain and Suffering
Florida doesn’t provide any awards for pain or for suffering. Regardless of the amount of damage you believe you have suffered due to the accident the court won’t grant any additional compensation for your pain and suffering.
Myth: You can Select a Doctor or Medical Treatment Facility
If your employer or the insurance company is going to cover your medical costs under the workers’ compensation claim, it means they have the right to select the hospital and the doctor you are treated by. You may be able to change your doctor one time, but your employer or the insurance company still has say-so over the medical care you receive.
Myth: If You Don’t Have Insurance, You Can’t Claim Workers’ Compensation Benefits
This is completely untrue. Employers are required to provide insurance for workers’ compensation for all employees according to the law in the state of Florida. This is the case for any business that employees more than four people. Even if the business doesn’t have insurance, you should be able to receive the compensation from your employer’s fund.
Use the Services of a Workers’ Compensation Attorney to Navigate this Difficult Process
There is no question you will face an array of challenges as you pursue a workers’ compensation claim. Be sure to fully understand the law and keep the information above in mind. If you need help with your case, contact our legal team at Felice Trial Attorneys Injury Trial Attorneys by Calling (561) 444-8822. We have over 25 years of workers’ compensation trial experience and have the resources and dedicated team to take on any employer or insurance company.