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With more than 15 million trucks on the roadways across the country, these large vehicles make up approximately six percent of all vehicles. While this doesn’t seem like a lot, trucks were involved in over 4,000 fatalities per year.

While everyone on the road must drive alongside large trucks, for teen drivers, this can be intimidating. Even though this is true, it’s still important for parents to know how to teach their teens the proper ways to handle situations involving semi-trucks.

While the difference in size between these trucks and traditional passenger vehicles may seem overwhelming for some teens (and their parents sitting in the passenger seat), almost all truck drivers have received specialized training to operate these large vehicles safely. The training is done when the truck driver is hired by a company and/or when they apply for their commercial driver’s license. These facts alone should help to ease the minds of teens and parents who are taking to the roads.

Understanding the Blind Spot Issues for Large Trucks

According to experts, the total blind area around any eighteen-wheeler is approximately 18,000 square feet. What this means is that minor scans and mirror adjustments are essential tools used by truck drivers to ensure the overall safety of themselves and others who are on the road. Unfortunately, not all truck drivers take the time to scan their blind spots as often as they should.

Some professional truck drivers are so accustomed to moving forward, that they sometimes neglect these minor scans. This can result in the driver not having a full vision of what’s around their vehicle. There are other truck drivers who adjust their mirrors so they are able to see the outside tires in the mirror, which means they can’t see any blind spot that is further outside of the truck itself.

The Prevalence of Distracted Driving Among Truck Drivers

Another issue that is prevalent among truck drivers is distracted driving. Distraction can occur because of hands-free phone use, climate control, eating, and more. This is another factor parents need to teach their children about as they learn to drive.

What Teen Drivers Can Do to Protect Themselves from Truck Accidents

One of the most important things that inexperienced and new drivers can do to make any interaction between their vehicle and a large truck easier is to ensure it is as short as possible. This means the teen driver may have to make an adjustment to their speed – either slowing down or speeding up – to avoid being stuck behind the large truck. It’s best to spend as little time next to a large truck as possible.

In addition to the distractions a truck driver may experience, another issue that can lead to a collision or crash is tire failure Truck drivers may have to make quick lane changes if there are issues ahead, which is why teens should be taught how to slow their speed to allow the large trucks to merge over.

>Also, before attempting to pass any big truck it is a good idea to ensure that you can see both of the headlights in the center of your rear-view mirror. This is the minimum space required to move in front of a semi-truck.

>If you or your teen driver is involved in an truck accident with a semi-truck and suffer an injury, contact our Truck Accident Attorney West Plam Beach at Felice Trial Attorneys Law by calling (561) 250-0319 for help and information.